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Auto – Motorcycle  Recreational – Commercial

Auto Insurance

Your individual vehicle assets require specific policies and should be customized depending on your needs and the vehicle. L.J. Walters has an experienced team of specialists that will help you determine which coverage and policy are best suited based on your current asset inventory. L.J. Walters can provide various types of personal insurance coverage for the following:

  • Automobile
  • Motorcycle
  • Recreational Vehicles
  • Antique Auto
  • Commercial Vehicles
  • Umbrella Liability
L.J. Walters Insurance is a certified member of the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario (IBAO)

Our Services

Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance



Recreational Vehicles

Recreational Vehicles

Commercial Vehicles

Commercial Vehicles

Antique Vehicles

Antique Vehicles

Umbrella Liability

Umbrella Liability



Toll Free 1-888-885-0220

Our Insurance Process

Knowing our customers and what their needs are is the start of our detailed process.

Detailed Planning

Knowing our customers and what their needs are is the start of our detailed process.
Combining the best insurance company and reliable coverage to best suit your needs.

Choosing What Fits

Combining the best insurance company and reliable coverage to best suit your needs.
Providing the best coverage and rates possible to best suit the needs of our clients

Getting The Best Coverage

Providing the best coverage and rates possible to best suit the needs of our clients